
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lifes musings

I lost a friend this week to cancer.  My 6th friend in 7 years.  She was only 53 a a dear woman. My husband also lost a friend of the family this week to cancer and I have just found out a lady I worked with at Paycentre has only days left to live.  I don't know if it is because I am getting older or cancer is more common but so many people I know seem to have been touched by this disease.

Life is so fragile it is here and then gone.  Like a leaf blowing in the breeze floating away.  My friend had lived 53 full and good years.  Full of love, service and work.  She was kind and generous to those she met and loved people before anything else. She was only diagnosed 5 weeks ago and she quietly slipped away with her husband by her side.  It was sudden and unexpected she was given a good chance of recovery.  It was like she was here and then just gone.

How often do we take life for granted?  How often do we take other's lives for granted? Do we value each moment enough?  I don't think we really fully appreciate a lot of what we have until we lose it.  I learnt many years ago to value our family members,  while we have them, after losing a auntie from multiple sclerosis.   I missed her so much.  I was so grateful that my parents took the time to visit her regularly and gave me the opportunity to get to know her.  It taught me so much about love, living now and valuing what we have when we have it.  It is hard to measure the value in that.  Many times I am tempted to protect my own children from death and pain but I have realized it is important for them to learn that death and pain are an important part of life.  My children have gone to many funerals and had many opportunities to help those in pain.  they have grown from it.  They have gained so much empathy and sympathy for others and have such a good understanding of feelings of others. 

Each day is precious and valuable,  it is a chance to love, learn and grow. 
Make a pledge today to treasure and value what you have. 


  1. Sweet Catherine, I am so sorry you lost your friend. My heart and love are with you and her family. xx Dion.

  2. What a hard experience for you, and for your friend's family. You're right, it is so important to value our lives and the lives of those we love each day, because we just never know when it might be the last.
