
Thursday, September 1, 2011


Tiredness seems to come along with life whether your single, married,  have children or whatever your life may be.  It seems to be the older I get the more tired I get with more responsibility and staying in bed seems like such a good option.

Life seems to just go tot fast and with too many things on it is a lot harder to recover. One of my biggest drains is other peoples use of my time.  Not the things I choose to do, but those things I have to do or am expected to do.  This isn't a grumble, because some things just need to be done,  its more of a factual statement about life.  Nothing ever seems to be finished and even if I get a chance to rest often there is so much to be done I can't rest.  Sound familiar!!

I find it fascinating that men just sit down and fall asleep......anywhere.  There is a joke in my family that my dad could even fall asleep on the concrete if he wanted too.  The funny thing is it seems socially acceptable for a man to fall asleep on the couch at the in laws but not for women.  (not that I would fall asleep I need to be in bed for that)  Women need time to be supported to have rest,  where as men just rest when they need it. But women see the the pile of washing on the couch that needs folding men just see the remote control and the couch.  I think if men sometimes sat and watched T.V and folded at the same time and if women sat down and ignored the pile a better balance would be maintained.  I loved the following cartoon which gets it in a nutshell.

I think there are many reasons for being tired and many the are easily avoided.  (but not so easy to rise above)   So why do we get tired and how do we solve the problem

  1. Doing too much at the same time.  Try slowing down and doing one thing at a time when you can.  Focussing on one thing at a time requires less energy and is less draining.
  2. Not getting enough sleep.  Get into regular sleep patterns.  Go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up at a reasonable hour.  Every hour before midnight is an equivalent of 3 hours....use it !!!!
  3. Doing too much.  Write a priority list.  Do things that are important to you don't do things that have no real meaning in your life (sorry doesn't include house work....someone has to do it :)
  4. Take time out for yourself.  Even when my kids were small and had grown out of naps I would put them in their rooms with a favourite toy or book for 1 hour so all of us could have some quiet time.  Use the time for you, not doing housework.
  5. Not getting enough exercise.  Just get up and exercise.  Make it interesting (well as interesting as possible !!)  and make it a part of the daily routine.
  6. Eating badly.  Find out the good wholesome foods you like and have them on hand for snacking.  Be aware of the empty calorie foods that get eaten and replace them with high energy healthy alternatives.
  7. Doing too much for other people.  Service is important.....actually it can give more energy, but doing things that are other peoples responsibilities all the time can be very draining.  If you children are over 6 years old they can make their own lunches,  if they are over 2 the can pull up sheets on the bed.  teach your other half and children to look after themselves.  They will thank you for it in college or if you ever get sick the house should keep ticking over nicely.
  8. Being mentally drained. Laugh, it is the best medicine and if possible laugh with friends.
  9. Not breathing properly.  Breathing right really helps to over come tiredness.  Go to the library to help with this one I'm not a breathing expert. (actually according to my teenagers I am not an expert on anything)

If nothing seems to work it might be a good idea to see a doctor to make sure nothing else is going on.

So what are you going to do today to help over come tiredness?......I'm going to go for a walk.....Love to hear what your going do.


  1. Very insightful thoughts Catherine....time and tiredness are my two biggest issues. I often have the best of intentions, but when it comes to doing something for me, it falls flat. Today, I'm going to get off the computer and prioritize the chores. I feel so much more energized when things are less cluttered. xx

  2. Good on you Dion..... I would love to know how you get on. I feel more energized when the house is tidy and uncluttered too. Untidiness robs me of so much energy. xx
