I have spent the last couple of days reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to the new one. 2011 was a year of many challenges and ups and downs. I have finished the year exhausted form looking after and supporting people though many difficulties and I have survived another year with teenagers :) (7 down and 12 to go...one disadvantage of having a large family) I have spent a few days taking time out and just resting so I can get some energy back again and I am glad to say that I am starting to feel a little more like myself again.
I want to

I love the ending and beginning of things. I love to look back on what has been but I really enjoy the setting of new goals and having the excitement of new experiences. This year has been no exception.I want to
- Get fit. I really want to feel healthier and to have more energy I'm even thinking about running a half marathon. But we will wait and see
- Progress more with my art work
- Have better relationships with my family
- Have a weekly date with my husband
- Extend my education through reading

I may not get everything done but it is really nice to plan and prepare for the year ahead. What goals are you making? How are you going to spend the next 366 days?
You have some good goals for this year!