
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What have you done to value 'you' more?

On Thursday 4th August.  I challenged you to spend some time each day to value yourself more.  How did you all do?   I also told you I would let you know how I am getting on.  So here goes....

Each day this week I have tried to find at least 5 minutes to think(sometimes that was 5 min broken up into manageable 1 min slots-in other words I was interrupted a few times with........)

I have reflected on how much more I need to practice this skill as I haven't done it enough for a while.  I discovered that some of me is missing, hidden under layers of other stuff (starting to sound like Shrek ......"ogres are like onions they have layers...." )  So how do I find that stuff?  I have to keep taking time to think,  write, blog, journal and to prioritise time for me.  On way that has helped me in the past,  which I am planning to start again,  is to write a gratitude list each day.  (My post on Saturday will go into depth more on how to do this) When I write things I am grateful for about myself and simple things in life I feel more connected to myself and those around me.  This cartoon says it all......

Try and take a moment today to write 3 things you are grateful for about yourself and 5 things that you are grateful for in you life.  Think from your heart and be creative.  To start with when I wrote about myself it was things like I am grateful for my reading skills or I an grateful for my blues eyes now I find it easier to say I am grateful that I am beautiful (took a long time to get to that point!!!!)

If you need a way to be alone to do this .....maybe this technique will work.....

After you have done this reward yourself with another 5 minutes on your own to read or eat chocolate :)



  1. What a wonderful wonderful post. I LOVE your little cartoons along the way and totally identify with them ALL. I'm going to find time in about an hour when one of the kids is napping and the other is watching a movie. Thanks for the inspiration. xx Dion.

  2. Thanks. i love the cartoons too because I identify with them all too. Well done on finding time for your self. Enjoy it!!!!! When I started doing it when I had my first child all I felt was guilt then I realized I was wasting my time and got over it fast.
